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Athens Best Birdwatching Destination: Schinias National Park

Every year during spring and sumer time, Schinias National Park becomes the most important area around Athens, in terms of bird migration and breeding of several bird species. From as early as late February until the first weeks of June, local and foreign birdwatchers together with bird photographers enjoy birding in a unspoiled natural reserve, so close from the city center. Here is a rough calendar of spring migrants and breeders, together with location information for the incoming visitors.

Hoopoes are among the first spring migrants
Hoopoes are among the first spring migrants

During mid-February is often still be chilly out there, with most overwintering species present (Shovelers, Gadwalls, Northern Harriers, Meadow Pipit, Gray and White Wagtails, Moustached Warblers, Reed Buntings). However, the first House Martins appear, only a few wandering birds over the weltand. Some Green Sandpipers might be seen as well, while Northern Wheatears arrive by the first week of March. Every few years, Bluethroat is recorded, usually only for a few days.

Black-winged Stilt arrive in mid-March and breed in the water ponds
Black-winged Stilt arrive in mid-March and breed in the water ponds

Great Spotted Cuckoos are very loud when present, so they can be easily spotted when they are here, usually by the first week of March. Two or three couples could be seen each year, around Makaria Spring and Agia Triada pond. Waders start to arrive in good numbers, Black-tailed Godwit, Ruff, Wood Sandpiper, Little Ringed Plover, along with the first Garganey, and Black-winged Stilts. Hoopoes are of course on of the most wanted birds among birders that visit the area. Cryptic crakes, like Spotted Crake and Little Crake require a very early visit in the reedbeds and lots of patience from anyone who want a descent picture of the birds.

Around the end of March until mid April it is worth checking Grammatiko hills and Ramnounda fields. This is a great area for birdwatching, since migrating raptors can be seen in good numbers, such as Pallid and Montagu’s Harriers and Lesser Kestrels. Woodchat Shrikes also establish their territories by the first week of April. Later on, Lesser Grey Shrikes and Red-backed Shrikes appear in small numbers.

Black-headed Wagtails are breeding at Schinias National Park
Black-headed Wagtails are breeding at Schinias National Park

Purple Herons are shy and cryptic birds of the weltand
Purple Herons are shy and cryptic birds of the weltand

April is definitely the month with the vast majority of birding interest, in terms of species numbers. Waders arrive in hundreds, and may include some hard-to-get species, like Spur-winged Lapwing, Temminck’s Stint, Spotted Redshank, Marsh Sandpiper. Sedge, Reed, and Great Reed Warblers are singing loud all day long, while herons are present in most parts of the main wetland. Purple Heron, Squacco Heron, Night Heron, Great White Egrets, Little Bittern, Bittern can be photographed from close distances, even with a car as a hide, since several roads.

Shrikes and Pipits are here too: Woodchat, Lesser Grey, Red-backed Shrikes and Red-throated, Tree Pipits. In the slopes of Mt Pendeli, Subalpine Warblers and colorful Cretzscmar’s Buntings are now sharing the same habitat with resident Sardinian Warblers and Cirl Buntings. On the rocky parts of these hills, a few species are breeding: Western Rock Nuthatch, Blue Rock Thush, Long-legged Buzzard.

Red-backed Shrike on a rusty fence
Red-backed Shrike on a rusty fence

Flocks of Red-footed Falcon arrive by the end of April
Flocks of Red-footed Falcon arrive by the end of April

The temperatures are rising up to 30 degrees during May, but this is not an issue for Olivaceous Warblers and Black-headed Buntings that sing endlessly. On a spring birdwatching tour around Schinias National Park during May, a visitor might come across striking and colorful birds such Roller, Golden Oriole, Red-footed Falcons, Eleonorae’s Falcons. Flying terns are everywhere above water ponds and Rowing Centre, including Whiskered, Gull-billed, Black and Black-winged.

Bee-eater enjoying its lunch
Bee-eater enjoying its lunch

Black-headed Buntings arive in April and breed at Ramnous fields
Black-headed Buntings arive in April and breed at Ramnous fields

Whiskered Tern fly all summer long over the Olympic Rowing Center
Whiskered Tern fly all summer long over the Olympic Rowing Center

Every year, Schinias National Park hosts hundreds of migratory birds, along with the breeding species and resident ones. A full day bird trip in the area can be combined with reptile watching, orchid and wild flowers photography… truly, a wildlife lover’s paradise! Greece Bird Tours, organizes tailor-made birdwatching tours in the area, all year long with local bird guides.

Spyros Skareas

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