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Walking in the paths of memory - The Medieval Tower of Inoi, Haradros Canyon| Marathon Paths

Our departure point today is the iconic DeLaRoche medieval tower in Inoi, Marathon, in an altitude of 72 meters. {38.155730338294305, 23.93241327201656}.

The distance is 8 kilometers and the walking time is 4-4.5 hours including the stops!

oinoi tower
*The tower stands haughty at the beginning of the path leading to Inoi Canyon. This ends in Marathon Lake Dam. It was constructed by the Franks who ruled the Dukedom of Athens. It was created in 1205 by the Crusaders after the conquest of Constantinople during the fourth crusade (1204) and it was maintained for 251 years until the conquest of Athens by the Ottomans in 1456.

The area still has an agricultural character as it is being cultivated and there are a lot of plant nurseries. The tower was located in a point of strategic importance and was used for the defense and control of the area. It was constructed with stones and adobes. Its height is 11.5 meters. It has 3 floors which communicate with each other through trapdoors.

It is believed that it was the summer residence of the French family DeLaRoche from Burgundy who came to Greece during the fourth Crusade in 1204 C.E. It was built around 1250 C.E. by the founder of the family, Othon De LaRoche, who became ruler of the Dukedom of Athens, which consisted of Attica, Thebes and their outskirts. The Dukedom of Athens was mostly developed under the leadership of Duke Gue A’ De LaRoche. Within a few years he became one of the richest rulers of his era. The power and influence of the family increased later. During the rule of the Franks the family was one of the biggest economic powers in the Balkans and in Asia Minor. They increased their property, bought estates in Eastern Attica and thousands of peasants worked for them. We do not know when the tower was abandoned and whether it was used in the battles of the Greeks against the Turks. The descendants of the family took part in these battles.

Despite the passage of time, the tower remains imposing in Marathon in order to remind us of the rich history of the area. 
oinoi tower

There is ample parking space for your cars opposite the remains of the Roman Valanio, in front of the tower.We put on our backpacks, tighten the laces in our boots and off we go!


After 50 meters we turn left into the uphill dirt road which after 1170 meters will lead us to the wide area with the big pine tree just before our entry into the canyon, which leads us to Marathon Lake.

The only signposts in the canyon remind us of path number 4 which was signposted in 2012 by the Company of Environment and Culture.
The only signposts in the canyon remind us of path number 4 which was signposted in 2012 by the Company of Environment and Culture.

Kermes, wild olive trees, pine trees, rosemary, rockroses, heather and brooms comprise the biggest part of the flora of the reborn forest. On our right the big EYDAP (Water Company) pipe looks like a huge snake that shows us the way.

When we enter the canyon we can hear the sound of burbling water. The water of Stamata springs mixes with the EYDAP water supply creating a big stream with clear water which reaches the Marathon residential area and gets lost in the hole situated in Bei.


Shady plane trees and oleanders are grown at the edges of the stream and big pine trees bridge the canyon up to its sharp rocky edges. 


You can see pine trees even on the rocks on the steep slopes of the canyon.
You can see pine trees even on the rocks on the steep slopes of the canyon.

The dirt road repaired by EYDAP after its destruction in 2012 is a beautiful route both for hikers and cyclists. 

The canyon road is fordable for every hiker and cyclist. It is an oasis next to the Marathon residential area.
The canyon road is fordable for every hiker and cyclist. It is an oasis next to the Marathon residential area.

After walking 1.000 meters in the canyon we turn left at the fork we come across and start going uphill in the orchards of Geramani family.

Τhe Geramani family fields on the slope of the canyon.
Τhe Geramani family fields on the slope of the canyon.

We go past what is left from a 1950 Fiat 500 Giardinera and continue uphill.

old car

After 140 meters we reach the end of the fields and the beginning of a path which will lead us after 700 meters to the rock spring. This means we will have gone up from an altitude of 156 to 257 meters.

The narrow path goes abruptly up among pine trees at its beginning, balances among the rocks, goes downhill next to the pine tree-covered creek until it gets to the forest dirt road amongst thick vegetation. In the last part we have to use the saws to cut down the branches of the thorny bushes which hinder our access.

The uphill path
The uphill path that leads to the countryside in Stamata.

The old forest road turns mildly towards the slope and takes us to the side of the olive grove before the spring. Because of the spring this area must have been inhabited in antiquity. Traces of the ancient civilization are scattered everywhere.


The water springs from the rocks on the side of the olive grove. Depending on the season, the water flows either to Inoi canyon or gets lost in the water table.

The water springs
The water springs from the rocks in Stamata spring

 remains of substructures
There are remains of substructures of the past everywhere, which shows that the area was once bustling with people.

We rest at the spring under the shade of the plane trees before we set off to find the old cobblestone-covered path.

under the tree

The fires of the past have left their stigma in the area. We have come across pine trees which are green on one side while their other side has been burnt. Nature resists every adversity and threat.

Panoramic view
Panoramic view from the Stamata forest road. On one side you can see the Marathon Lake and the dam while on the other side you can see Shinias

After leaving the water spring, we go past the big clearing which separates us from the forest dirt road, we turn left and follow the route to Skarpa and Notia. We go up to 337 meters having covered another 1300 meters. From this point where the paths cross each other, we start going downhill.

The downward route to the creek is steep, the stones are slippery and so great attention is necessary, especially if the soil and rocks are wet.


We go uphill again and reach the first clearing. This is where we will leave our road to get to the path which is covered with cobblestones. We can already see its trace in the mountain opposite us as it goes downward towards Stamata. We are now at an altitude of 286 meters and have walked another 430 meters. We leave the clearing and walk to the scrub on our left following a path among kermes, rockroses, thyme and thorny bushes.

marathon path

After walking another 300 meters, the path which has been lost for centuries suddenly appears. The well-built cobblestones on the side of the small canyon and the creek make it well-kept so that the hikers can cross it.

μονοπάτι στον πύργο της οινόης Μαραθώνα


It was constructed by experienced craftsmen of an older period and waits for modern Greeks to make good use of it, to accent our grandparents’ and great grandparents’ inscriptions on the rocks throughout the route (their names, dates, sketches).

The inscriptions on the cobblestones

The inscriptions on the cobblestones

The inscriptions on the cobblestones
The inscriptions on the cobblestones show the human need to retain their existence in the passage of time.

With a very small incline the path   turns towards the side of the hill to Inoi and before you know it, after 1870 meters, you have reached Pappa’s olive grove.

Going downhill to Inoi.

At this point there are two options.The first one is to cross the olive grove going north, turn left and reach the dirt road that leads to the entrance of Inoi canyon. The second one is to follow the route to the east and reach the upper part of a three-level field after walking on a rugged path for 630 meters. 

We follow the edge of the field until its lowest level and take the narrow path which after 400 meters will take us to the Medieval Tower and the end of our route.

μονοπάτι στον πύργο της οινόης Μαραθώνα

Another route of Marathon Paths has come to an end.

I would like to warmly thank my friends and travel companions Andreas Aliferis and Dimitris Damkalis for their company and help in this especially demanding route.


Pericles Th. Vyltaniotis

Mountain Guide

Marathon Paths



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